Moneyline – A Perfect Guide for Grant Beneficiaries

Moneyline SASSA Loans is a lifeline for South African grant beneficiaries, providing essential financial services. As a Net1 subsidiary, Moneyline specializes in quick and accessible solutions, catering specifically to SASSA grant recipients. Alongside loans, Moneyline offers easy access to airtime, insurance, and microloans.

Accessing Financial Solutions with Moneyline:


  • Apply for quick microloans to address immediate financial needs.


  • Easily purchase airtime without the hassle of traditional banks.


  • Explore insurance options for added financial security.


  • Access smaller loans tailored to specific needs.

Step-by-Step Guide on Applying for Moneyline SASSA Loans:

Step 1: Gather Requirements

  • Ensure you have your SASSA card and EasyPay Everywhere account details ready.

Step 2: Visit Moneyline or CPS Pay Points

  • Locate a Moneyline branch or CPS pay point for loan application.

Step 3: Complete Application Form

  • Fill out the Moneyline SASSA loan application form accurately.

Step 4: EasyPay Everywhere Account

  • Confirm the necessity of an EasyPay Everywhere account for loan approval.
  • If you don’t have one, open an EasyPay Everywhere account to facilitate transactions.

Step 5: Loan Approval Process

  • Understand that EasyPay Everywhere allows legal deductions for loan repayments.

Addressing Concerns:

Recent reports have raised concerns about access to bank account transaction history. Moneyline assures applicants that:

  • Authorization for transaction history is a standard procedure for loan approval.
  • Contrary to some reports, Net1 and Moneyline maintain they do not seek direct access to beneficiaries’ accounts.

By following these steps, SASSA beneficiaries can navigate the loan application process seamlessly, utilizing EasyPay Everywhere for a smooth and secure financial experience.

Costs and Considerations: Understanding Net1 SASSA Loans

1. Service Fees:

  • Net1 charges a flat fee for the entire loan term instead of traditional interest rates.
  • Example: A 6-month loan of R1,050 incurs a service fee of R330, equivalent to 31% of the original amount.

2. Transaction Fees:

  • Transaction fees apply for ATM activities, including withdrawals, balance inquiries, and more.
  • Net1 emphasizes transparency in disclosing miscellaneous ATM fees.

3. Comparison with Traditional Loans:

  • Unlike traditional interest-based loans, Net1’s fee structure offers clarity on total repayment amounts.
  • Traditional loans may have lower interest rates but can result in higher overall costs due to longer terms.

4. Potential Financial Implications:

  • Beneficiaries should carefully consider the effective annual interest rates associated with Net1 loans.
  • Understand the impact of fees and transaction costs on the total repayment amount.

5. EasyPay Everywhere Account:

  • Net1 requires an EasyPay Everywhere account for legal deductions, streamlining repayment processes.
  • Consider the convenience and security of this account in managing loan transactions.

Net1 Loans Amount & Interest Charges:

1. Loan Amounts and Service Fees:

  • Net1 offers short-term microloans ranging from R410 to R1,050.
  • A flat fee structure is applied for the entire loan term instead of traditional interest rates.

2. Examples of Effective Annual Interest Rates:

  • 6-month loan of R1,050 incurs a service fee of R330, equivalent to an effective annual interest rate of 164%.
  • 3-month loan of R410 has a service fee of R100, resulting in an effective annual rate of 280%.

Benefits and Drawbacks:


  • Quick and Easy Process: SASSA beneficiaries can access funds without the need for a lengthy application process.
  • No Bank Queues: Eliminates the need to visit banks or undergo extensive qualification procedures.
  • Convenient Access: EasyPay Everywhere or Green Card is all that is required for loan approval.

Concerns and Drawbacks:

  • Unauthorized Deductions: Beneficiaries have reported deductions, including loan repayments, without proper authorization.
  • Exorbitant Interest Rates: Effective annual rates can be comparatively high, resembling those charged by loan sharks.

Moneyline’s Role in Financial Services:

1. Revenue Source from Short-Term Microloans:

  • Net1’s primary revenue source in financial services is derived from short-term microloans.
  • Beneficiaries accessing EasyPay Everywhere accounts contribute to this revenue stream.

2. Transaction Fees for Cardholders:

  • Net1 charges transaction fees for various activities at ATMs and point-of-sale transactions.
  • Fees include cash withdrawal, balance inquiry, insufficient funds, and other miscellaneous ATM charges.

The emphasis on EasyPay Everywhere accounts underscores their role in legal deductions and financial transactions, solidifying Moneyline’s position in providing accessible financial services to SASSA beneficiaries.

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